

The Governing Body takes seriously its responsibility under section 11 of the Children Act and duties under “working together” to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; to work together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements exist within our setting to identify and support those children who are suffering harm or are likely to suffer harm. We recognise that all staff and governors have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm, and that the child’s welfare is our paramount concern.

Our school should provide a safe, caring, positive and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of the individual child free from discrimination or bullying where children can learn and develop happily.


The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Brightwell School is the Headteacher, Sue Potts. Contact number 01491 837024.

In her absence, all concerns should be directed to Yaz Light (SENDCo & DDSL) or Sarah Dow (Trust Safeguarding Officer). All staff at Brightwell are trained in safeguarding and/or specialist safeguarding.

The Safeguarding Governor is Robert Frost.

If you have any concerns regarding the welfare of a child, please contact the staff named above. 

As a member of the public with a safeguarding concern for a child, please call The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 050 7666. 

If you require more information or help knowing what to do if you are concerned about a child, please see the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board's website

Examples of how we teach safeguarding

* Using our core school values to promote rights and responsibilities; teachers model these values and hold high expectations around the children displaying them when in school.  

* Giving children the opportunity to learn about different models of democracy and how to ensure we have a safe and productive environment in our school by being part of our School Council.  

* Tailoring our curriculum to cover a wide range of elements of keeping children safe, across the school - including our computing sessions with a regular focus on online safety, Jigsaw PSHE / RSHE and Religious Education lessons that reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others and a healthy eating focus in science and technology.  

* Working closely with representatives from both the local and wider community - the NSPCC (‘Speak Out / Stay Safe’ visits), PCSOs / Police / Fire Safety etc.  

* Celebrating important events in the calendar, including Anti-Bullying week every November and Internet Safety Day every February.  

* Inviting our Year 5 and 6 children to take part in a Cycling Proficiency training course.  

* Through transition work from pre-school settings to Reception and Year 6 to Year 7.  

* Encouraging our more vulnerable children to participate in after school clubs, helping with funding as appropriate.